What Is The Difference Between HTML And WordPress Websites? - Semalt Expert

WordPress ou HTML - Qual Usar para Criar seu Site

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is HTML?
  3. What is WordPress? Does WordPress use HTML?
  4. Difference between HTML and WordPress
  5. Which should you choose?
  6. Conclusion


When it comes to website creation, many people might instantly think of website-building platforms like WordPress, Wix, Blogger, and so many more. But if you are a fan or a user of these platforms, you would know that they may not always be the best choice. Flexibility is limited to an extent and so is uniqueness. Also referred to as Content Management Systems (CMS), WordPress and the like may not even be great for large company websites. 

But what about HTML? For some people, it sounds like a lot of coding and Java and programming. But yet, it is the best option for some websites because you get to build your website from scratch and incorporate any and everything you want. That brings the question - which is better? Before giving a solid answer to this question, you'll need to first evaluate the differences between the two; count the wins and losses. Only then, might you be able to decide for yourself which you should adopt? 

In that case, this guide is solely dedicated to reviewing the differences between HTML and the world's most popular CMS, WordPress. 

What is HTML?

HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a form of language used during coding to develop a website from scratch. This means that all the details you see on a website from the texts to the templates, and pages - everything would be written in a language called HTML for you to see and engage with. There are two kinds of HTML websites; static and dynamic. 

An HTML website comprises multiple HTML files all loaded into a single library that will be sent to the server. Simplified, the HTML website is like the website you are used to but 'HTML' makes it like the skeleton of such a website. So while users are seeing pictures and texts and designs, HTML website builders are seeing codes. One HTML file can be likened to the pages of the website. These pages usually include an about-us page, a welcome or home page, a contact-us page, a sitemap page, and other sub-pages containing more information about the website and the brand. 

To make a change on each website's page, the website developer has to first include this change in the HTML file before it can be previewed on the website. Yet, website owners can add or remove blog posts, images, and the likes without the help of the website builder / developer. The advantage of this method is that you get to create a website that is unique to you and your brand. 

What is WordPress? Does WordPress use HTML?


WordPress is the most popular form of CMS or website-building platform. Though it starts from scratch (it seems like that to a lot of beginners), it does have some pre-packed element that makes the website easy to understand. For those that are familiar with WordPress, it only involves selecting a preferred template, fonts, and colors and that is all. It is also easier to customize elements of WordPress than it is to do on HTML websites. WordPress is built using coding languages, but these codes are not visible to the user (i.e. you). So where you need a website developer to create or modify your website, here, you can do it all yourself. Notwithstanding, your uniqueness is limited to the provisions on the platform. 

So the question that says does WordPress use HTML? The answer is yes, it does. For WordPress blog templates to existing, they were written by some anonymous website developers but some parts were left open for you to fill. The process of filling is called 'plug-and-play'. This means that whatever it is you want on your site, you only need to insert it (without writing any code) and it plays (it becomes visible on your site). 

Difference between HTML and WordPress

Now that brief foundational information has been laid, some readers might already be able to detect some differences between the two platforms. While one requires coding, the other does not. Also, HTML websites are built from scratch while WordPress websites already have some elements prepared beforehand. HTML websites cannot be created without the knowledge of website development (or Web Dev), while anyone with the basic knowledge of how to use a computer can use WordPress. However, these are not enough to make an informed decision on the two. While HTML-based websites create a platform for uniqueness and WordPress is easier to create, there are more differences involved. 

1. Website Speed

Speed is important for all websites. It is one of the determinants of website positioning and ranking. Heck, it is one of the elements that determine whether a website accumulates customers or not. No one (and to be honest, even you) likes to wait too long for a website to load. If it takes more than 4 to 6 seconds most users would leave the website. WordPress websites take time to load because of the process involved with database-to-server communication. However, if you optimize your website for speed externally, or use a quicker hosting provider, things could speed up. HTML sites on the other hand load faster and while there are things that could slow down the speed, it is still faster than a normal, basic WordPress site. 

2. Usability and Management

Many users want to build the most beautiful and effective website that is not only functional but appealing and in tune with their vision. These requests (or desires) also come with an add-on - ease. However, when it comes to HTML and WordPress, the debate is about flexibility vs ease. WordPress gives you ownership of your website - full control. Therefore, you can manage and alter anything on your website without the need for external help. On the other hand, HTML does not have the dashboard that WordPress would provide. This means that making alterations, editing content, extending functionality, and so on would be difficult. To do these things, you have to write the HTML code or employ a website developer to help build the website to suit your needs

3. SEO friendliness

What's the point of going through the stress of building a website if it stays invisible? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the tool that ensures your website ranks high for relative keywords. It is also the major tool that helps to drive organic traffic to your site. WordPress makes it easy to customize all the tools you need for SEO like alt tags, custom URLs, headings, meta descriptions, and so on. If you don't know where to start, you can also get a WordPress plugin for SEO to help with the technicalities. When it comes to HTML, it is also possible, just more time-consuming and technical. Also, technical SEO is even more difficult to optimize on HTML websites. 

4. Blogging

While you might want to skip this step (especially if you think you don't need / have a blog), you need one. It is usually difficult for a website to rank high without a blog. But which of the two ongoing debate entities is better? WordPress was created for blogging and so has many in-built tools that help with that aspect. From established info, it is also easier to edit regularly. HTML websites might not be great in that aspect. Though it is possible, you'll have to create a code even for a new paragraph. This is easy to learn but can be difficult for people with no time to spare. 

5. Price

From all that has been said, it is almost obvious that HTML seems more expensive - but this has a lot more pockets hidden within. While WordPress is free to download and use, getting your domain comes at a price. Some of the payment is one-off like when you pay for pre-made themes or developer fees. However, you have to pay for hosting monthly and the domain name yearly (among others). HTML websites (except if you have technical knowledge of coding) would require you to pay a web developer to build and maintain. While building costs are relatively higher, maintenance fees are lower depending on how often you make changes. 

Which should you choose?

From the analysis above, many would want to choose WordPress websites. However, recall that HTML sites load faster and give room for more flexibility. To this effect, the kind of businesses that will benefit from HTML websites are restaurants, gyms, boutiques, and other small businesses that want to build an online presence. If you won't be updating or changing the site too regularly, then HTML is the go-to best option. WordPress websites are better as a website-building method for e-commerce stores, small businesses, and other companies looking to build their brand.  


Building a website takes time and requires the effort of the webmaster. Whether or not you choose to work with HTML or WordPress websites, you would still need to invest a certain amount of time. You cannot go live on either of them until you have set the template, theme, font, pages, and so on. What about if you could get a ready-made website that fits your brand perfectly? Not only does this save time, but you can pay for all that you need once and skip compiling costs. Semalt Market has over 100 ready-made websites in numerous niches, including medicine, e-commerce, business, fashion, home, sports, etc. So why not go live with a website that already looks amazing?